Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Kate Bro - Discover.Create.Live

Kate Bro 

 Meet Kate- an extremely artistic blogger, amazing wife, wonderful mother to my niece Hayden (and one on the way), and my BEAUTIFUL sister. Check out her blog at 


a few more from the farm..

we have quite a few more photos from this session... i thought i would go ahead and post a few with Linda in them as well!! So much fun! :] 

Linda and Duke.. aren't they just the cutest?! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

 Joseph & Sandy Minard

my amazing grandparents 

i know everybody thinks that their grandparents are the best in the world.. but might i just say, no I DO!!  hehe.. but in all seriousness i am so blessed to have these amazing role models in my life. we had a blast the other day taking pictures of the beautiful couple just doing what they do every day out at the farm. the weather was perfect and the horses seemed extra photogenic ;]